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Eda info



Mirela Carp alias Eda s-a nascut in zodia Pesti..avand o personalitate armonioasa si plurivalenta, muzica fiind marea ei pasiune, iar in plan secundar astrologia si specificat acest lucru ..pentru a incepe cu o nota vesela…

Versatilitatea in abordarea mai multor genuri muzicale si spectrul de patru octave al vocii sale au fost remarcate de la primele experiente muzicale.   

 A debutat ca si personaj artistic in peisajul muzical romanesc in decembrie 1999, facand "pionierat" cu un album surprinzator de colinde. Apoi s-a petrecut acea “metamorfozare”…cand Mi-Re-La, numele cu trei note muzicale s-a transformat in EDA, similitudinea  cifrajului muzical european dand nastere unui nume de scena care s-a simtit ulterior usor de retinut, incantand  fanii cu  4 albume editate si distribuite la scara nationala de Casa de Discuri  Phoenix si  Alma Artex A&A Records  si 8 videoclipuri ,avand in repertoriu si coveruri sau remixuri ale unor hituri internationale cu sonoritati arhi-cunoscute de la Sarah Brightman, Celine Dion, Barbra Streissand, Jennifer Rush, Withney Houston..interpretate indeosebi in afara tari

Mirela Carp a inceput sa cante de la varsta de 7 ani. La 10 ani a primit in dar prima chitara si de atunci..joaca a devenit ceva serios,fiind nelipsita ca si solista folk de la spectacolele organizate ale colegiului Roman Voda din Roman, apoi premiata in timpul studentiei la numeroase festivaluri folk de pe cuprinsul Romaniei, timp in care a urmat si cursurile Scolii Populare de Arta Titel Popovici din Iasi, sectia Canto.

Primele doua albume editate in 1999 respectiv 2000   Buna seara de Craciun  si  Ninge sfant  contin colinde traditionale romanesti,instrumentate inedit ( fiind un “pionier”al acestui gen de abordare ), in maniera pop, soul, jazzy.  Apoi …tot in studioul Voicess din Iasi,a derulat inregistrarile albumelor editate in 2002 respectiv 2005,intitulate  Ultima noapte si  Intre pamant si cer .. piese pop-dance-R&B, interpretate ca de obicei intr-un registru de 4 octave, luminoase, multifatetate ,misiunea ei.. fiind aceea de a trezi simturile si a sensibiliza semenii cei dragi, sa deschida “petalele inimilor”.. pentru ca aceasta este menirea fiecarui artist pana la urma…sa transmita o emotie autentica

Ca si “entitate artistica” ,si-a asociat imaginea personajelor din benzile desenate. Din punct de vedere cronologic, in 2005, a beneficiat de primul videoclip romanesc in 3 dimensiuni, realizat integral cu imagini generate pe calculator, in stil suprarealist.Videoclipurile pieselor "Vine noaptea " si "CLOSE TO YOU",compusa de Edward Maya  o ilustreaza pe Eda ca fiind personajul feminin transpus virtual in format digital 3D,o sursa de inspiratie fiind mitul zburatorului pe care il intalnim in Luceafarul eminescian,ceea ce invaluie vocea si imaginile intr-un un farmec cu totul special.

In tot acest timp a avut sansa unor diverse aparitii, apreciate pe mai toate canalele de televiziune nationale( TVR1,TVR2,TVR International,Antena TV, ProTV, MTV, Prima TV,Atomic TV,B1TV, Realitatea TV, Romantica,National TV, Kanal D,OTV,Tele7 ABC..), difuzari radio si presa

Pentru ca in ultimii ani a studiat canto-clasic , noul proiect  pop-opera, initiat inainte de a onora cateva contracte muzicale in Italia si Japonia a ramas inca “deschis”spre a fi finalizat… asteptand si acel  inger trimis pe pamant care ii va sustine “calea” de a duce la bun sfarsit acest proiect muzical, spre a-si vedea visul implinit…


Mirela Carp alias Eda was born in Pisces sign. She has a harmonious and plurivalent personality, music is her great passion, and in the secondary plan astrology and swimming ... we have specified this ... to start with a jolly note ...
The versatility in approaching multiple musical genres and the four-octave spectrum of his voice have been remarked since the first musical experience.
 He debuted as an artistic character in the Romanian musical landscape in December 1999, making "pioneering" with a surprisingly caroling album. Then the "metamorphosis" happened ... when Mi-Re-La, the name with three musical notes turned into EDA, the similarity of the European musical figure giving birth to a stage name that was then easily remembered, enticing the fans with 4 edited albums distributed on the national scale of the Phoenix and Alma Artex A & A Records House and 8 videos, repertoire and remixes of international hits with famous archaic sounds from Sarah Brightman, Celine Dion, Barbra Streissand, Jennifer Rush, Withney Houston ..interpreted especially outside countries
Mirela Carp began singing at the age of seven. At the age of 10 he received his first guitar and since then he has become something serious, being a soloist from the Roman Voda Romanesque performances organized by the Romanian folk singers, and then awarding himself to many folk festivals in Romania , during which he also attended the classes of the Popular School of Art Titel Popovici from Iasi, the Canto section.
The first two albums edited in 1999 and 2000 respectively, "Good Christmas Evening" and "Silent Ninge", include traditional Romanian carols, unprecedented instruments (being a "pioneer" of this kind of approach), pop, soul and jazzy. Then ... in the Voicess studio in Iasi, he played albums recorded in 2002 and 2005, entitled Last Night and Intre Earth and Sky .. pop-dance-R & B songs, usually interpreted as a 4-octave, bright, multifaceted, her mission is to awaken the senses and to sensitize loved ones to open the "petals of hearts" because this is the ultimate purpose of each artist ... to convey an authentic emotion
As an "artistic entity," he associated the image of comic book characters. Chronologically, in 2005, he benefited from the first Romanian video in 3 dimensions, made entirely with computer-generated images in a surrealist style. The videos of the songs "Come the night" and "CLOSE TO YOU" composed by Edward Maya illustrate on Eda as the feminine character transposed virtually in 3D digital format, a source of inspiration being the myth of the flyer we meet in Eminescian Luceafar, which envelops the voice and images in a very special charm.
During this time, he had the chance of various appearances, appreciated on most of the nat television channels
 (TVR1, TVR2, TVR International, TV Antenna, ProTV, MTV, Prima TV, Atomic TV, B1TV, Realitatea TV, Romantica, National TV, Kanal D, OTV, Tele7 ABC ..)
Because in recent years he has studied canto-classics, the new pop-opera project, initiated before honoring some musical contracts in Italy and Japan, has remained "open" to be completed ... waiting for that angel sent to the earth who will sustains the "way" to accomplish this musical project, to see his dream come true ...

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